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Guest Insights, de Expedia Group permite a los hoteleros atraer a los viajeros
EXPRESO - 31.10.2018
Expedia Group, la principal plataforma de viajes del mundo, anuncia que Guest Insights está disponible a nivel global
Expedia Group, la principal plataforma de viajes del mundo, anuncia que Guest Insights está disponible a nivel global. Esta nueva herramienta, que se suma a las ya disponibles en Expedia Group Partners Central, usa los datos más recientes de los hoteles, sus competidores y la inteligencia de mercado para mostrar a los hoteleros cuáles son las motivaciones y el comportamiento de reserva de los huéspedes.
Esta información permite identificar oportunidades para atraer y aumentar la conversión de los viajeros de una forma mucho más estratégica.
Benoit Jolin, vicepresidente senior de Producto y Diseño Global de Expedia Group, apunta que 'nuestros socios hoteleros saben que es muy importante entender las necesidades de los huéspedes pero, hasta el momento, no disponían de las herramientas necesarias para analizarlas y conocerlas en el contexto de su mercado y su establecimiento. Ahora, gracias a la función Guest Insights, los hoteleros pueden conocer sus patrones de demanda de forma mucho más detallada'.
Guest Insights ofrece datos como la procedencia de los huéspedes, la tarifa media por noche y la antelación media de las reservas, lo que significa que los hoteleros podrán disponer de datos muy relevantes que analizan varios mercados y períodos.
La herramienta también visibiliza información como los mercados de origen de los huéspedes, la estancia media, la tasa media de cancelaciones y otros datos históricos, que son fundamentales para que los hoteleros maximicen sus estrategias de distribución en la plataforma de alojamientos de Expedia Group.
Esta herramienta de business intelligence también permite a los socios hoteleros filtrar los datos por país y región. Además, y gracias a un motor de recomendación integrado, los hoteleros pueden obtener sugerencias personalizadas y específicas para poner en marcha estrategias de marketing basadas en datos incluidos sus analíticas llevando de esta forma, a la práctica, la información estratégica que proporciona esta herramienta en diversos mercados.
Los datos de Guest Insights se actualizan prácticamente en tiempo real para que sean lo más precisos posible, facilitando a los usuarios la gestión estratégica de cualquier incidencia y la adopción ágil de las soluciones más adecuadas.
‘Innovamos con el impulso de nuestros socios y colaboradores’, explica Jolin. ‘Escuchamos a nuestros socios todos los días, y de esta forma podemos poner en valor nuestra tecnología y know-how para construir soluciones que ofrezcan a los hoteleros una visión integral de los factores demográficos y los patrones de demanda que influyen en la industria turística, ayudándoles a resolver uno de sus desafíos cotidianos más importantes’.
Tras un programa piloto que se llevó a cabo con colaboradores de varios mercados, la función Guest Insights de Partner Central está ahora disponible en 27 idiomas para los socios hoteleros de casi 200 países y territorios en todo el mundo.
Expreso. Redacción. J. R
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27.10.2019 - 16:32
Com dating site is the real deal Real Alabama with video
Or the super-hero American Gothic couple saying, (you) "We was in the past lonely" (in which her) "Until we met on farmers Only,
Perhaps it's the homespun feel of the commercial that has been airing across Alabama recently, But the initial reaction from viewers is typically:Is this are the real deal? Or are we being punked? (Watch commercially made at bottom of story)
"let us see posts (On social information) Where folks say, 'I didn't think it was real but I looked at the site and it is real,'" Said Jerry cooper of Ohio, owner of the dating site <a href=… in spanish</a> for farmers and "as small as earth" visitors. And its purpose is right there in its slogan: "City Folks Just don't get It,
Miller said days, Which he established in 2005, Has more than doubled in membership in the last year, going "approximately" 1 million online subscribers nationwide.
"It's strong in the state of alabama, callier said.
it must be: Alabama has easily 48,500 farms protection 9 million acres, according to the Alabama Farmers Federation.
One success story promoted by Farmers Only is about a woman named electronic, a school teacher from Alabama, Who met her love connect, Artie, on the spot in 2012 and moved to Colorado last year to start a life with him. FarmersOnly did not release the couple's last names for privacy reasons.
"My friend was on there and told me about it and I thought it just narrowed it down to a type of person that I chooses to spend my life with, Elizabeth said in a press release. "It was the first dating website I ever tried and Artie was the first guy I ever talked to on the unit,
Artie states, "We give random shout outs to FarmersOnly for thus, making this all possible. We are planning a country wedding in my hometown in Alabama and are so pumped up about our life together. thanks a lot, thank you very much, we appreciate your your site. He is such an exceptional, precise man.
"She said she'd tried dating foreign girls but the guys she met couldn't relate to the rural lifestyle of a farmer, callier said. "I said, 'There's got being a site for farmers.' I started trying to discover her and there wasn't anything. I found it's a problem in rural areas where everybody knows everybody and, With what amount hours people are working, it shouldn't have chance to socialize. I put together FarmersOnly and unexpectedly it took off. clearly there was such a big need, It took off always,
Miller said the company receives emails daily from people who met on the site and are engaged and getting married. Gober estimates about two couples from the site are marrying across the country per week and that number is climbing. miller said in rural areas, People can live in nearby small towns and not meet.
"you will never know if your perfect match is 15 or 20 miles away, But you may never cross paths, he explained. "You might be in a small community and the next stop down the road there's somebody you're really appropriate for but you never go to same functions,
He said the site is not only for farmers but those of you that love the outdoors, fauna and a slower pace of living. He cautions would be users they won't "Find people caught up in the corporate rat race,
"That's what's nice over it site, burns said. "Down to earth folks are just different,
See the commercial here:
Kelly Kazek is following the trends and having a debate about Real Alabama. label her at 256 701 0576, Find her on the facebook, Or use contacts over the rest this story.